North Central Experiment Fall Field Day, August 20, Scandia

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All interested individuals are invited to attend the 2019 North Central Experiment Field Day on Tuesday, August 20, at 6:00 p.m. The event will be held at the South Unit experiment field located approximately 2.5 miles west of Scandia on Hwy 36.

This is a free event and no pre-registration is required. There will be a catered meal at the end of the program. CCA/CEU credits will be available. Topics and speakers will include:

Corn planting date considerations – Stu Duncan, K-State Northeast Area Agronomist

In-furrow fertilizer with soybeans and soybean stand issues – Dorivar Ruiz Diaz, K-State Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management Specialist

Long-term fertility research and trends – Dorivar Ruiz Diaz and Andrew Esser, Agronomist-in-charge, North Central Kansas Experiment Field

For questions about the event, please call Andrew Esser at 785-335-2836


