Kansas weather summary for August - Unseasonably cool

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The most notable weather feature for August was the cooler-than-normal temperatures. The state-wide average temperature was 72.7 degrees F, which is 4.4 degrees cooler than normal.  All divisions were in the cooler than normal range.  The Northwest Division was closest to normal with an average temperature of 71.1 degrees F, or 3.6 degrees cooler than normal.  The East Central Division had the greatest departure; the average for that division was 72.1 degrees F which was 5.0 degrees cooler than normal.  Only the three eastern divisions failed to break the 100 degree mark.  The warmest reading was 104 degrees F, reported at Larned #2, Pawnee County, on August 21st.  The coldest reading was 43 degrees F, reported at Brewster 4W, Thomas County, on the 28th.  Not surprisingly, there were no new record high maximum temperatures and only three new record high minimum temperatures.  On the other hand, there were 49 new record low daily maximum temperatures and 16 new record low minimum temperatures.  None of the temperature records were records for the month.



August had closer to normal precipitation than July, but was skewed heavily to the east.  Statewide precipitation averaged 3.46 inches or 104 percent of normal.  All three eastern divisions plus the South Central division averaged at or above normal for August. The Central and West Central divisions tied for the lowest percent of normal at 60 percent each.  For the Central Division that meant an average of 2.51 inches or 1.42 inches below normal.  For the West Central that was an average of 1.56 inches or 1.05 inches below normal.  The greatest daily precipitation total reported at a National Weather Service Coop (NWS) station was 8.85 inches at Hillsdale Lake, Miami County, on the 22nd.  The greatest daily total reported at a Community Collaborative Rain Hail and Snow network station (CoCoRaHS) was 8.30 inches at Wellsville 3.6 NNW, Douglas County, also on the 22nd.  The monthly extremes for both networks were 12.52 inches at Erie, Neosho County (NWS) and 13.00 inches at Overland Park 1.7 NE, Johnson County (CoCoRaHS).


Severe weather was again limited this month, with most of the events in the form of hail and high winds.  There was one reported tornado, which is less than the 1950-2016 average of 3 tornadoes in August. In addition to the tornado, there were 56 hail reports and 63 high wind reports.  The most damaging event of the month was the flooding in Eastern Kansas following the heavy rains on August 5th and 6th. Flooding was reported along several local streams, including areas that had been flooded at the end of July.

The near normal precipitation coupled with cooler-than-normal temperatures limited the expansion of the abnormally dry condition.  However, areas of the state with much lower-than-normal precipitation had an expansion of moderate drought.  The September outlook calls for drier-than-normal conditions statewide.  This is coupled with increased chances of below-normal temperatures in the eastern half of the state, with equal chances of above- or below-normal temperatures across the rest of the state.  The much cooler-than-normal temperatures that have started this month will reduce some of the evaporative demand. However, extended dry weather will result in further intensification of the drought.




Mary Knapp, Weather Data Library

Chip Redmond, Weather Data Library
