Kansas Corn Yield Contest: Early deadline June 30

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The Kansas Corn Yield Contest is sponsored by Kansas Corn and K-State Research and Extension. The Kansas Corn Yield Contest allows Kansas farmers to compete for cash prizes and recognition and see how their yields stack up against other growers in their area. The Kansas Corn Yield Contest has joined with the National Corn Yield Contest (NCYC). Kansas growers who enter the NCYC are automatically entered in the Kansas Corn Yield Contest.

This contest:

• recognizes Kansas farmers achieving high corn yields,

• shares crop management and efficiency data among Kansas growers, and

• provides on-farm sustainability and profitability insights.

All corn farmers are eligible to enter the contest but must be members of KCGA/NCGA. Your KCGA membership also includes membership in NCGA. Join here.

New for 2023 – NCYC Nitrogen Management Class

A Corn Yield Contest Nitrogen Management pilot class will be open to the first 100 entries from the following states: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Farmers in the pilot class will limit total nitrogen applications from non-field sources to 180 lbs. of actual nitrogen applied. The three highest-yielding entries in the class will be declared preliminary winners and confirmed as class winners after an NCGA verification of actual nitrogen applied. Learn More here: https://ncga.com/get-involved/national-corn-yield-contest/profile/nitrogen-management-class

NCYC/KCYC Entry and Deadline Information:

  • Early entry: May 1 – June 30, $75 per online entry plus a one-time affiliated State/NCGA membership fee (if applicable)
  • Final entry: July 1 – Aug. 16, $110 per online entry plus one-time affiliated State/NCGA membership fee (if applicable)
  • Harvest entry: Aug. 17 – Nov. 30, 2023
  • NCGA National Corn Yield Contest Winners will be announced on Dec. 13, 2023
  • Kansas Corn Yield Contest Winners will be announced by Dec. 22, 2023.

Many seed companies will cover the cost of entry and membership. Details for 2023 can be found at https://www.ncga.com/get-involved/national-corn-yield-contest/profile/voucher-program


For more information, contact Kylie Massengale, at 785-249-8723 or kmassengale@ksgrains.com.


Ignacio Ciampitti, Farming Systems Specialist

Tags:  Corn Yield Contest corn yield