K-State wheat plot tours for May 28-31, 2019

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The week of May 28-31 features several wheat plot tours in Kansas. Producers wanting to learn about the different varieties can choose to attend one (or several) plot tours in their county or agricultural district.

The plot tours generally include a discussion of wheat conditions across the state, as well as tips on what to look for when selecting wheat varieties. New and upcoming varieties are discussed, as well as older and more established ones, and a discussion of how all these varieties are responding to this growing season’s conditions.

For the week of May 28-31, the plot tour locations include:

Tuesday, 5/28/2019, 8:30 am
Location: LaCrosse, Rush Co.
Contact: Chris Long, clong@ksu.edu
Directions: From LaCrosse, go 6 miles west on Hwy 4 to CR 190, 1 1/4 south, just south of 190 and N road, on east side of road.

Tuesday, 5/28/2019, 2:00 pm
Location: Ness City, Ness Co.
Contact: Chris Long, clong@ksu.edu
Directions: From Ness City, go 7 miles south on Hwy 283 to 60 Rd, west 7 miles to L Rd, south 1 1/4 lines on east side of road.

Tuesday, 5/28/2019, 6:00 pm
Location: Dighton, Lane Co.
Contact: Chris Long, clong@ksu.edu
Directions: From Dighton, go west on 96 for about 7 miles, turn south, go 1 1/2 miles, on east side of road.

Wednesday, 5/29/2019, 10:00 am
Location: Smith Center, Smith Co.
Contact: Sandra Wick, swick@ksu.edu
Directions: West of Smith Center on HWY 36 X miles, on the N side/ Lunch on Trinity Ag, LLC - Athol, KS at 12:00 pm

Wednesday, 5/29/2019, 4:30 pm
Location: Beloit, Mitchell Co.
Contact: Sandra Wick, swick@ksu.edu
Directions: South of Beloit on Hwy 14 to X road, then 6 miles W to 230 road, north 3 3/4 miles on the east side. Supper at 5:45 pm at Fletchall house.


Thursday, 5/30/2019, 9:30 am
Location: Liberal, Seward Co.
Contact: Joshua Morris/Kylee Harrison, kharrison@ksu.edu
Directions: Ag Building on the northeast corner of the campus of SCCC (1801 N. Kansas, Liberal)

Thursday, 5/30/2019, 9:00 am
Location: Sebetha, Nemaha Co.
Contact: David Hallauer, dhallaue@ksu.edu
Directions: NW of the intersection of W and 184th Roads, 1.5 miles west of Sabetha.

Thursday, 5/30/2019, 8:30 am
Location: Hoisington, Barton Co.
Contact: Stacy Campbell, scampbel@ksu.edu
Directions: From Hoisington go N. on blacktop to Susank; at Susank go 4 miles E. on the blacktop 190 NE Rd., turn S. onto NE 40th Ave. and go ½ mile, on W. side of the road.

Thursday, 5/30/2019, 6:00 pm
Location: Newton, Harvey Co.
Contact: Ryan Flaming, flaming@ksu.edu
Directions: 6:00 pm meal at Camp Hawk (1801 SW 36th, Newton). 7:00 pm tour. From Camp Hawk, SW 48th and Meridian Road, approx. 1/2 mile west and then south 3/4 mile on the west side of the road.

Thursday, 5/30/2019, 6:30 pm
Location: Randolph, Riley Co.
Contact: Greg McClure, gmcclure@ksu.edu
Directions: Bruce Kaump Farm, 3 miles east of HWY 77 on Rose Hill Road (North of Randolph)


The eUpdate will highlight upcoming tours each week. Stay tuned!



Romulo Lollato, Extension Wheat Specialist

Erick DeWolf, Extension Wheat Pathologist

