K-State Weed Science Field Day - July 13

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The Department of Agronomy is hosting a Weed Science Field Day! The event will be held on July 13, 2022, from 3:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the Ashland Bottoms Research Farm, 2850 32nd Ave., Manhattan, KS. This field day will fall between two KARA Summer Field School sessions (see companion eUpdate article for the details of the Summer Field School). There is no registration fee for the Weed Science Field Day.

This program will provide an opportunity to browse extension weed science herbicide evaluation trials, network with K-State Weed Science faculty and industry representatives, learn more about weed management and new sprayer technology, and receive 1A credit. Attendees will be entered in a drawing for special door prizes. Remember to bring your lawn chairs!

Registration is due by July 5! Timely registration will help us know how many are coming so we can plan the meal, seating, and transportation.


3:30 TO 5:00 pm – Browsing K-State industry sponsored trials (self-guided)

5:00 to 6:00 pm – Presentations

  • “Efficacy of alternative cover crop termination methods”
  • “Grazed cover crops: Are we affecting their ability to suppress weeds?”
  • “Impact of spray volume on residual herbicide efficacy”
  • “Influence of planting date on weed management in soybeans”

6:00 to 6:45 pm – Atrazine update from Kansas Corn Commission and Syngenta

6:45 to 8:00 pm – Dinner and Industry panel

8:00 to 8:30 pm – Xarvio Sprayer technology demonstration


Please register for the K-State Weed Science Field Day at:

You can also email Tyler Meyeres at tpmeyeres@ksu.edu.


Tags:  weed control Field Day