K-State North Central Experiment Field Fall Field Day, August 17

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All interested individuals are invited to attend the 2021 North Central Experiment Field Day on Tuesday, August 17, at 6:00 p.m. The event will be held at the Scandia Experiment Field headquarters (2 miles west of Scandia and 2 miles north of Hwy 36).

This is a free event and no pre-registration is required. There will be a catered meal at the end of the program. CCA/CEU credits will be available.

Topics and speakers:

Row-spacing and layered residual herbicides in soybeans – Sarah Lancaster, Weed Science

How do field peas fit in north central Kansas crop rotations? – Kraig Roozeboom, Cropping Systems

The hidden half: Corn root development, water, and nutrients – Colby Moorberg, Root Ecology, and Dorivar Ruiz Diaz, Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management

Dr. Raj Khosla, Head of the Agronomy Department, and Scott Dooley, will also provide updates on the department and the North Central Experiment Field.

For questions about the event, please contact Rebecca Zach at 785-541-0283 or zrebecca@ksu.edu


Tags:  fall Field Day North Central