K-State CropTalk webinar series

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In 2021, a new series of hour-long webinars was launched with great success. For 2022, the K-State CropTalk webinar series is back and will be focused on agronomic topics targeted for northwest and north central Kansas. Topics range from soil fertility, weed management, cover crops, and weather resources. Continuing education credits have been applied for and will vary based on the subject area of each webinar.

Each webinar will begin at 12:00 pm (CST) and last until 1:00 pm. Upon registration, participants will receive an email with instructions to attend via Zoom or YouTube. These webinars are open to all and there is no cost. Visit the K-State Northwest Research and Extension Center’s website to register: https://www.northwest.k-state.edu/events/.

Please contact any local KSRE extension office in north central or northwest Kansas for any questions.

A list of the remaining webinars, with dates, topics, and speakers is detailed below.

February 28Growing Nitrogen with Cover Crops
DeAnn Presley, Soil Management Specialist

March 7Climate Update and Kansas Mesonet
Chip Redmond, K-State Assistant Climatologist and Kansas Mesonet Coordinator


Tags:  webinars crop production 
