K-State Corn Management Schools scheduled for January 2017

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A series of three K-State Corn Production Management Schools will be offered in early January of 2017 to provide in-depth training targeted for corn producers. The schools are primarily sponsored by Kansas Corn Commission and Pioneer.

The one-day schools will cover up-to-date and specific corn topics: on-farm research, high-yielding corn production practices, weed control, soil fertility, and price and market perspectives. The focus of the Corn Production Schools will be in northwest, central, and eastern Kansas. Schools will be followed by a tour.

Jan. 9 – Wichita – Drury Plaza Hotel Broadview Wichita, 400 West Douglas Ave.

Jan. 11 – Oakley – Buffalo Bill Cultural Center, 3083 US 83

Jan. 13 – Olathe – John Deere Ag Marketing Center, 10789 South Ridgeview Rd.


Jan. 9 – Wichita

Contact Information:
Zach Simon, Sedgwick County Extension, zsimon@ksu.edu, 316-660-0153
Ryan Flaming, Harvey County Extension, flaming@ksu.edu, 316-284-6930
Darren Busick, Reno County Extension, darrenbusick@ksu.edu, 620-662-2371
Jake Renner, Kingman County Extension, jwrenner@ksu.edu, 620-532-5131
Randy Hein, Sumner County Extension, rvhein@ksu.edu, 620-326-7477
David Kehler, Butler County Extension, dkehler@ksu.edu, 316-321-9660

Jan. 11 – Oakley

Contact Information:
Candice Fitch-Deitz, Golden Prairie Extension District, cfitchdeitz@ksu.edu, 785-938-4480
Michelle Buchanan, Midway Extension District, mbuchanan@ksu.edu, 785-472-4442
John Beckman, Scott County Extension, jbeckman@ksu.edu, 620-872-2930
Stacy Campbell, Ellis County Extension, scampbel@ksu.edu, 785-628-9430
Allen Baker, Wichita County Extension, abaker@ksu.edu, 620-375-2724
Alicia Boor, Barton County Extension, aboor@ksu.edu, 620-793-1910
Sandra Wick, Post Rock Extension District, swick@ksu.edu, 785-282-6823
Jenifer Sexson, Hamilton County Extension, jsexson@ksu.edu, 620-384-5225

Jan 13 – Olathe (John Deere facility) – Registration is needed

Contact Information:
Rick Miller, Johnson County Extension, rick.miller@jocogov.org, 913-715-7000
David Hallauer, Meadowlark Extension District, dhallaue@ksu.edu, 785-863-2212
Darren Hibdon, Frontier Extension District, dhibdon@ksu.edu, 785-229-3520
Abbie Powell, Marais des Cygnes Extension District, abbie2@ksu.edu, 913-795-2829
Karol Lohman, Leavenworth County Extension, klohman@ksu.edu, 913-364-5700
Roberta Wyckoff, Douglas County Extension, rwyckoff@ksu.edu, 785-843-7058
Leroy Russell, Shawnee Count Extension y, lrussell@ksu.edu, 785-232-0062


Lunch will be provided courtesy of the sponsors. There is no cost to attend, but participants are asked to pre-register before or by January 6.

Online registration is available at K-State Corn Schools: http://bit.ly/KSCORNSchools

You can also preregister by emailing or calling the nearest local Research and Extension office for the location you plan to attend.

For more information, contact:
Greg Krissek, CEO Kansas Corn;
Ignacio Ciampitti, K-State Cropping Systems Specialist;

Lucas Haag, Northwest Area Crops and Soils Specialist;
AJ Foster, Southwest Area Crops and Soils Specialist; anserdj@ksu.edu
Stu Duncan, Northeast Area Crops and Soils Specialist; sduncan@ksu.edu
Doug Shoup, Southeast Area Crops and Soils Specialist; dshoup@ksu.edu


