Economic Apps for agriculture

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These Apps are related to agricultural news, weather, and grain prices. There are several Apps that offer weather, markets, news, and grain prices all in one App. Among some of my favorites are DTN/PF (Progressive Farmer), AgWeb, and CVA Coop. To search for the best cash grain prices, Growers Edge and the Cash Grain Bids (AgWeb) are very helpful. Using these, farmers can identify the closest location and the best price for selling grain. To develop some economic budgets for your farming operation, check the CE Budgets App from the Division of Agriculture, University of Arkansas.




Figure 1. Thirteen Economics (News-Finance) Apps.



Figure 2. Cash Grain Bids Price Finder from AgWeb.



Figure 3. DTN/PF (Progressive Farmer) App.


Ignacio Ciampitti, Crop Production and Cropping Systems Specialist
