Dryland Ag Day planned in Tribune, June 8

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Against the backdrop of a diminishing Ogallala Aquifer, dryland farming is increasingly moving into sharper focus. A K-State field day planned in Tribune will feature research related to growing dryland crops in western Kansas.

The Dryland Ag Day will be held June 8 at K-State’s Southwest Research-Extension Center one mile west of Tribune on Kansas Highway 96. Registration and refreshments are available at 8:30 a.m. MDT, followed by field tours, indoor seminars and a lunch sponsored by TBK Bank.

Field tours starting at 9:00 a.m. MDT include:

  • Wheat varieties
  • Wheat streak mosaic and varietal resistance
  • Wheat seeding rates
  • Solid stem wheat update
  • Tillage in dryland systems
  • Dryland crop rotations
  • Weed control in fallow and row crop

Indoor seminar topics beginning at 11:15 a.m. MDT include:

  • Control of Palmer amaranth
  • Seeding depth for wheat.
  • Weather forecast development and long-range forecast

Speakers include:

Erick DeWolf, Extension Wheat Plant Pathologist
Lucas Haag, Northwest Area Crops and Soils Specialist
Jeanne Falk Jones, Sunflower District Extension Agronomist
Curtis Thompson, Weed Management Specialist
Alan Schlegel, Agronomist, Southwest Research-Extension Center-Tribune

More information is available by calling 620-376-4761.
