Don't miss the K-State Soybean Schools - January 2020

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A series of six K-State Soybean Production Schools will be offered in January to provide in-depth training targeted for soybean producers and key-stakeholders. The schools are sponsored by the Kansas Soybean Commission.

The schools will cover a number of issues facing soybean growers including: weed control, crop production practices, nutrient management and soil fertility, insects, disease management, and market outlook.

The dates are set and specific locations have been chosen with Schools located across the state.

January 13 – Monday

  • Smith Center, KS - 9:30 am to 1:30 pm
    St. Mary’s Catholic Church Parish Hall
    403 W. Highway 36
    Contact: Sandra Wick,
    RSVP by January 8
  • Salina, KS - 3:30 to 7:30 pm
    Webster Conference Center
    2601 North Ohio Street
    Contact: Jay Wisbey,
    RSVP by January 8

January 14 – Tuesday

  • Mulvane, KS - 9:30 am to 1:30 pm
    Pix Community Center
    101 E Main St
    Contact: Randy Hein,; Jeff Seiler,
    RSVP by January 8

January 21 - Tuesday

  • Emporia, KS - 3:30 pm to 7:30 pm
    Anderson Building
    Lyon County Fairgrounds
    2650 W US Hwy 50
    Contact: Brian Rees,
    RSVP by January 16

January 22 – Wednesday

  • Atchison, KS - 9:30 am to 1:30 pm
    Cedar Ridge Restaurant (4 miles NW of Atchison)
    17028 318th Rd.
    Contact: Ray Ladd,
    RSVP by January 17
  • Marysville, KS - 3:30 to 7:30 pm
    Marysville Helvering/Senior Center
    111 S 8th St (Please use the west door)
    Contact: Anastasia Johnson,
    RSVP by January 17


On-site registration will begin 30 minutes prior to the program start time. A meal will be provided courtesy of our sponsors. There is no cost to attend, but participants are asked to pre-register, if possible, for the school they plan to attend. Online registration is available at K-State Soybean Schools ( or by emailing/calling the nearest local K-State Research and Extension office for the location participants plan to attend.


Ignacio Ciampitti, Crop Production and Cropping Systems Specialist

Stu Duncan, Northeast Area Crops and Soils Specialist

Kathy Gehl, eUpdate Editor and Extension Program Coordinator

Tags:  Soybean Schools