Canola tours in Kingman and Conway Springs rescheduled for November 19

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The winter canola tours near Kingman and Conway Springs originally planned for Nov. 5 were postponed by weather conditions, and have now been rescheduled for Nov. 19. At these tours, producers and agribusiness professionals can get the latest research information on winter canola production from K-State Research and Extension.

The tours on Tuesday, Nov. 19, will begin at 10:30 a.m. The first tour stop is located 8 miles west of K-14 Hwy on Cleveland Rd. (SE 70th St.) south of Kingman in Kingman County. American Ag Credit of Kingman will provide refreshments.

The second tour begins at 1:30 p.m. It is located 2 miles north of Conway Springs on K-49 Hwy and 1/8 mile west on 110th Ave. North. Refreshments will be sponsored by Triple Threat.

Mike Stamm, Canola Breeder
