Calculation Apps for agriculture

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These Apps are primarily utilized as support tools and for calculation purposes. This category is sub-divided into:

                A) General Calculators

                B) Crop Production


A) General Calculators

These Apps include a way to calculate the optimum fertilizer N rate, silage moisture cost adjuster, maturity date predictor based on tassel date, grain yield estimator, tank mix calculator, and crop nutrient removal, among others. The TankMix App (Dupont) and the nutrient removal App “PlantCalc” from the International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI) can assist in making quick decisions in the field. Still, always make sure to check with your crop consultants, Extension agents, and Extension specialists because this information varies depending on soil types, crop yield potential, and environments. The Manure Valuator (University of Arkansas) is an App that provides assistance in valuing the nutrient content of manure.





Figure 1. Sixteen Calculator ID Apps.



Figure 2. PlantCalc from the International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI).



Figure 3. TankMix App from DuPont.




B) Crop Production

This section highlights Apps related to crop production issues and planting management. The Kansas Wheat Yield Calculator (Kansas Wheat Alliance and K-State Research and Extension) and the Corn Advisor (University of Arkansas) Apps both are very useful Ag-Apps. The Kansas Wheat Yield Calculator allows making yield estimations at different growth stages and in several areas of the field. The Corn Advisor App has different features such as calculating lime and nutrient rates, identifying nutrient deficiencies, diseases and insect pests, and providing information about control practices. Extreme Beans is a useful App for calculating soybean seeding rates and for understanding the effect of diverse management practices on maximizing soybean yields. Planting Population from Ag PhD is a good App for estimating planting population.





Figure 4. Twelve Crop Production Apps.




Figure 5. Wheat Yield Calculator from Kansas Wheat Alliance and K-State Research and Extension.



Figure 6. Crop Advisor, University of Arkansas.


Ignacio Ciampitti, Crop Production and Cropping Systems Specialist
