Agricultural Research Center - Hays Fall Field Day, September 4

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Everything from food grade sorghum to wheat breeding to cover crops and more are features of the 2013 Fall Field Day planned for Wednesday, Sept. 4 at the Agricultural Research Center in Hays.

A highlight of the day is a tour and presentation on the center’s new greenhouse and the benefits it will bring to K-State researchers and ultimately producers.

The field day begins with registration at 8:30 a.m., followed  by the program at 9 a.m.

K-State Research and Extension specialists will give presentations in the field and auditorium, including:

•        New Greenhouse for Research: Bugs, Weeds and Stronger Plants

•        Systems Approach to Managing Weeds in Soybeans

•        New Herbicide-tolerant Traits in Soybeans

•        Sorghum Breeding: What’s in the Pipeline?

•        21st Century Tools for Western Kansas Wheat Breeding

•        Adding Value: Food Grade Grain Sorghum

•        Plant-to-Plant and Field-to-Field: Insect Movement and Consequences for Pest Management

•        The Importance of Fallow and Fallow Alternatives: Cover Crops and Annual Forages

A complimentary lunch will be served.

-- Mary Lou Peter, K-State Research and Extension Communications
