Yield Monitor Workshop, August 14

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A Yield Monitor Workshop will be held August 14 at K-State’s Machinery Automation and Robotics Lab, 142 Seaton Hall. The school will run from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m.

Speakers include:

Jared Ochs, Topcon Precision Agriculture
Justin Atwood, LandMark Implements
Lucas Haag, K-State Northwest Area Crops and Soils Specialist
Terry Griffin, K-State Dept. of Agricultural Economics
Ignacio Ciampitti, K-State Crop Production and Cropping Systems Specialist
Ajay Sharda, K-State Dept. of Biological and Agricultural Engineering
K-State Research and Extension Precision Ag team

Topics include:

Yield monitor calibration for quality data
Yield data cleaning
New yield monitoring technologies
Yield monitor setup and data extract for FMIS/Analysis
Utilizing yield data for input prescription
Utilizing satellite imagery for yield prediction

Registration is free for members of Kansas Ag Research and Technology Association (KARTA) and for K-State Extension agents; and is $25 for all others. Lunch and refreshments are provided.

For more information or to register, contact one of the following:

Ajay Sharda, Biological and Agricultural Engineering, asharda@ksu.edu
Arlene Jacobson, 785-532-5825, ajacobso@ksu.edu
