Winter canola preplant school, August 11 in Concordia

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On August 11, producers in north central Kansas can learn more about what it takes to raise a successful canola crop. The school will be held in Concordia at Heavy’s Steakhouse & BBQ, 103 W. 7th Street, beginning with lunch at 11:30 a.m. The event is free but those interested in attending should RSVP by calling 785-243-8185 before August 8. Sponsors include Wilbur-Ellis and LeClair Seeds.

Winter canola has many potential advantages in cropping systems of north central Kansas, according to ongoing K-State research. We have been working diligently to introduce winter canola as an alternative broadleaf crop in north central Kansas. This includes growing variety trials at the North Central Kansas Experiment Field near Belleville and working with local producers.

There have been some ups and downs, but through these experiences we have come to understand a great deal about what kind of yields we can expect and what it is going to take to grow the crop successfully in this part of the state.

Topics for discussion at the preplant school include what to do -- and what not to do -- in canola production, planting date and establishment methods, variety and hybrid performance, winter survival, and soil fertility and insect management. Information on crop insurance and marketing of the crop will also be available.


Mike Stamm, Canola Breeder
