Winter canola 2019 season wrap-up meeting July 30 in Anthony

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The winter cropping season in Kansas was full of ups and downs in 2019. On Tuesday, July 30, producers can learn more about the specific challenges from this year and how canola performed in the south central part of the state.

The meeting will be held at the BancCentral meeting room, 203 W. Main Street, Anthony, KS, beginning at 10:00 a.m. The event is free but those interested in attending should RSVP to the Harper County Extension Office by calling 620-842-5445 or by Friday, July 26 so that an accurate count can be made for lunch.

The challenges of fluctuating winter temperatures and overly saturated soils were evident in much of Kansas. Despite the challenging weather, the canola trials that were harvested across the state had exceptional yields. Grain fill conditions were ideal for high yields. This certainly wasn’t the case for all producers. It can be hard to overcome the extreme ups and downs with the weather recently, but through these experiences we have come to understand a great deal about why we still need canola in our rotations.

Topics for discussion at the meeting include what went right and wrong in 2019, canola variety performance, and variety selection. Information on marketing and insuring the crop will also be available.

