Twin row corn on-farm research in Saline County

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(Note: The following article is a slightly edited transcript of a short K-State Research and Extension YouTube video produced by Dan Donnert, KSRE videographer. The link to this video is: – Steve Watson, Agronomy eUpdate Editor)


Ignacio Ciampitti, K-State Crop Production and Cropping Systems Specialist: We starting talking with farmers in the Great Plains about a year ago on the benefits of using different planting systems for corn, such as twin row planting, and also about weed control.

Dwight Conley, Saline County producer: As far as weed control goes, in our twin row corn, the paired rows are 8 inches apart. The across row spacing is 22 inches. We have really seen the effect twin row planting has had on keeping weed pressure down.

Figure 1. Ignacio Ciampitti (left) and Dwight Conley. From video by Dan Donnert, K-State Research and Extension.


Figure 2. Twin row dryland corn in Saline County, showing good weed suppression and rapid canopy cover.


Ciampitti: I think that could be important when you consider the challenges farmers face today in weed control. Also, I think we will see some positive benefits of using twin rows improved light interception. In 30-inch rows, it takes longer for corn to cover the canopy. When you are looking at having plants equally spaced in twin rows, they can cover the canopy much faster.

Conley: If we can improve row spacing and improve drought tolerance, corn can be a more effective crop for us.

Ciampitti: Can you just briefly give us some idea of what yields you had last year in your plots?

Conley: Channel Seeds gave us 11 hybrids they wanted to test in these plots, so that’s how we started. We tested corn in 30-inch rows vs. twin rows in side-by-side tests on all 11 hybrids. Then we also did a variable population study on the other end. What we found was that across the plot we had about a 9-bushel advantage to the twin row planting at the same population. So this year we went through those hybrids we used last year and picked out three: one with a high response, one with a medium response, and one with a low response to twin rows. We used three replications at three different populations to refine the response and find out what we may want to do with twin rows. It will be interesting to see the results this year.



7. Preplant wheat schools to be held in northwest and north central Kansas

A series of preplant wheat schools will be held across northwest and north central Kansas in the coming weeks. Particular topics and speakers will vary by location but may include production practices, yield results and variety selection, disease management and seed treatments, fertility, and weed control. For more details on a particular school contact the local extension agent host.

August 24th, Osborne, United Christian Church, 9:30 am – Noon CT, lunch served, register by August 19th
Contact Sandra Wick, 785-334-6252,

August 24th, Mankato, Community Bldg., 3:00 pm – 5:30 PM CT, supper served, register by August 19th, Contact Sandra Wick, 785-378-3174,

August 25th, Phillipsburg, Fairgrounds, 9:30 am - Noon CT
Contact Cody Miller, 785-543-6845,

August 26th, Grainfield, American Legion, 9:00 AM – Noon CT, lunch served
Contact Candice Fitch-Deitz, 785-938-4480,

August 30th, Wilson, Made from Scratch Café, 10:00 AM – Noon CT, lunch served, register by August 26th
Contact Michelle Buchanan, 785-472-4442,

August 30th, Great Bend, American Ag Credit, 2:30 pm CT
Contact Alicia Boor, 620-793-1910,


Lucas Haag, Northwest Area Crops and Soils Specialist
