Three winter canola 2019 field days scheduled for late May

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The latest research, variety, and production information on winter canola will be featured at K-State Research and Extension (KSRE) field days on May 20, 24, and 29.

The field days are excellent opportunities to see winter canola variety trials and producer fields. New and experimental varieties will be on display and a discussion will be held on the current growing season. With harvest season approaching, harvest management options will also be discussed. Producers will have opportunities to get their questions answered about making winter canola a viable rotation option in Kansas.

According to K-State canola breeder, Mike Stamm, the production year has been another interesting one, starting with moist conditions for planting last fall and fluctuating temperatures over the winter. The crop is poised for a good harvest, and the aim is to reassure producers that there are many benefits to growing canola in rotation.

The schedules and locations for the field days include:

Monday, May 20 - Kingman County starting at 10:00 a.m.

The program will be held at the canola variety trials south of Norwich. From the KS-2 and SE 160th Street intersection, drive ½ mile east. The plots are on the south side of the road. See the National Winter Canola Variety Trial (NWCVT), learn about new winter canola varieties on the market, and hear how local producers are using canola in rotation. Refreshments will be provided.

Friday, May 24 - Reno County starting at 10:00 a.m.

The program begins at the South Central Kansas Experiment Field, 10620 South Dean Road, Hutchinson. The NWCVT and K-State variety trials will be on display. Learn about new winter canola varieties on the market. Attendees will hear about a new canola establishment study in cooperation with industry. Refreshments will be provided.

Wednesday, May 29 - Gray County starting at 10:00 a.m.

The program will be held at a canola field located 2 miles east of Montezuma at the intersection of US-56 and 15 Road. Hear how a local producer is incorporating canola into rotation, learn about new canola varieties, and assess the prospects for canola production in southwest Kansas. Lunch will be sponsored by Helena.


For more information, contact Mike Stamm at 785-532-3871 or

