The spotlight is on cover crops at the 2017 Agronomy Field Day, November 3

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Exciting advances in cover crop research will be featured at the 2017 Agronomy Field Day on November 3 at the Ashland Bottoms Research Farm in Manhattan. Topics will focus on understanding the role cover crops play in water quality, weed control, soil quality, and more.

The full list of topics and K-State speakers:

  • Using cover crops for weed suppression – Anita Dille, Weed Ecology
  • Improving soil quality with cover crops – DeAnn Presley, Soil Management Specialist
  • Protecting surface water with healthy soils, cover crops, and fertilizer management – Nathan Nelson, Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management
  • Soybean yields and cover crops – Ignacio Ciampitti, Crop Production Specialist and Doug Shoup, South East Area Agronomist.
  • Ten years of cover crops in a no-till wheat-sorghum-soybean rotation – Kraig Roozeboom, Cropping Systems Agronomist
  • Cover crops and nitrogen management – Peter Tomlinson, Environmental Quality Specialist

The field day will begin with registration at 9 a.m. and wrap up at 1 p.m. Sessions include three concurrent tours in the morning, starting at 9:30, followed by a poster session during and after lunch.

There is no charge to attend, and a complimentary lunch will be available. Preregistration is requested by October 30th so that a lunch count can be made. To preregister online, see:  You can also preregister by calling Troy Lynn Eckart at 785-532-5776. On-site registration will also be available.

Directions to the Ashland Bottoms Research Farm are given in the infographic below. The address for the farm is 2801 W. 40th Ave, Manhattan, KS 66502.

For more information, interested persons can contact Dorivar Ruiz Diaz at 785-532-6183 or
