Temperatures in Kansas continue to be much warmer than normal

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Although this past week wasn’t as warm as it was at the end of February when record high temperatures were recorded, it was still much warmer than normal across Kansas. Statewide average temperatures were 7.6 degrees warmer than average. The warmest departures were in the northeast, where departures ranged from 9-14 degrees F above normal.

Much of that departure from normal can be attributed to warmer low temperatures. Where the minimum temperatures are staying above freezing, vegetation is becoming more active.

This continued warmth is also visible in the changes in soil temperatures. Below, the first map shows the average weekly soil temperature ending on March 7th.  The next map shows the average 2-inch soil temperature as of March 10th.



The wheat in areas where it has broken dormancy is at greatest risk of freeze injury when freezing temperatures return. Below are the current vegetative health map and a map of the average last spring freeze dates.


Mary Knapp, Weather Data Library

Christopher Redmond, Weather Data Library
