Southwest Research-Extension Center fall field day, August 25

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Corn and sorghum will take center stage at the Southwest Research-Extension Center’s fall field day Thursday, Aug. 25. The center is located at 4500 E. Mary St. in Garden City.

Registration with time to visit exhibitor booths starts at 8 a.m. The program, followed by field tours, begins at 9:15 a.m. Lunch will be served at noon, compliments of commercial exhibitors, and seminars start at 1 p.m.

One field tour includes:

  • Summer annual forages
  • Iron chlorosis in grain sorghum
  • Weed control in irrigated corn
  • Weed control in irrigated sorghum
  • Impact of increasing sorghum population and fertility on weed control of ultra-low herbicide inputs

Another field tour includes:

  • Mobile drip irrigation for corn production
  • Soil water sensors and plant canopy temperature sensors for irrigation scheduling
  • Corn and sorghum insect update

The topics of the afternoon seminars are:

  • Limited irrigation research update
  • Beneficial Insect Blitz (including information on laws, safety labels and environmental concerns)
  • Occasional tillage in wheat-sorghum-fallow

Continuing education credits are available for attendees.

More information is available by contacting the K-State Southwest Research-Extension Center at 620-276-8286.
