Soil Health Field Day - September 2

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The Department of Agronomy at K-State, in conjunction with Kansas Corn, is hosting a Soil Health Field Day on September 2 from 4:00 to 6:30 p.m. The event will take place at the Knopf Farms, 6229 S Kipp Road, Gypsum, KS 67448.

A delicious BBQ dinner will be provided. Interested individuals can register for the event at

Program topics:

  • Soil Health Principles and carbon markets
  • On-farm soil health data
  • Soil Fertility for healthy soils
  • Crop intensification and cover crops root demonstration
  • Knopf Farms Soil Health Management Strategies
  • Farmers Panel


For questions about this event, please email or


Tags:  soil health Field Day