Soil Health Field Day - March 28, 2022

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The Kansas Soil Health Partnership is hosting a soil health field day on March 28, 2022 at Guetterman Brothers Family Farms, 9970 W. 215th Street, Bucyrus, KS 66013. A map link to the location is available at: The event will start 9:00 am and conclude at 2:00 pm.


9:00 - Welcome (Dr. Chuck Rice and Guetterman Brothers Family Farms)

9:10 - Research Update and Soil Health (Carlos Pires and Dr. Chuck Rice - Kansas State University)

9:40 - Sustainability (Dr. Alex Rosa and Dr. Brian Olson - Bayer Crop Science)

9:50 - Crop Intensification (KSCROPS/Ciampitti Lab - Kansas State University)

10:20 - Fertility Management (Dr. Dorivar Ruiz Diaz - Kansas State University)

10:50 - Making a change in the way we farm (Rick Clark - Indiana Farmer)

11:50 - Lunch

12:00 - Lunch + Farmers Panel

1:15 - Visit cover crop research plots and soil pit


Please register online at . Registration will allow for adequate planning to ensure adequate supplies and meal counts.


Tags:  soil health Field Day