Seed production management for smooth bromegrass and tall fescue

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K-State Research and Extension just released an updated version of the publication MF924 - Seed Production Management for Smooth Bromegrass and Tall Fescue. This resource describes management practices to produce high yields of seeds from smooth bromegrass and tall fescue pastures.

Seed production from tall fescue and smooth bromegrass are alternative crops for most producers in Kansas because the stands are primarily used for grazing and hay. This dual use maximizes the total crop, even though seed yields are low. Highest seed yields are produced from cultivated rows, but a solid stand is important for forage and erosion control. These cool-season grasses are most productive when grown on deep, fertile soils with high water-holding capacity.

Two management practices are especially important in producing high seed yields:

  • Clipping and removing the forage soon after the seed stalks are mature.
  • Applying nitrogen during late fall or early winter.

Other management practices are discussed, including:

  • Grazing
  • Maintenance
  • Weeds and Pests
  • Seed Handling
  • Marketing

This publication is available to view and download for free at:



Walt Fick, Rangeland Management Specialist

Romulo Lollato, Wheat and Forages Specialist

Stu Duncan, Northeast Regional Agronomist

Tags:  publication tall fescue bromegrass 
