Save the Date - Crop Pest Management Schools in Russell, Phillipsburg, and Oakle

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Be sure to save the date on your calendar to attend one of the 2020 Crop Pest Management Schools scheduled in December 2020. Each school will start at 7:50 am with registration and conclude at 5:00 pm. A lunch will be provided to all participants. The cost to attend is $40. Each school will feature a variety of topics on weed control, insects, and diseases.

Registration information and a detailed agenda with speakers will be available soon and will be shared in an upcoming eUpdate. The dates and locations of each school are:

  • December 8 – Russell, KS
    Fossil Creek Hotel
    Dole-Specter Conference Center
  • December 9 – Phillipsburg, KS
    Huck Boyd Community Center
  • December 10 – Oakley, KS
    Buffalo Bill Cultural Center

Commercial applicator and Certified Crop Advisor credits have been applied for.


For more information, please visit:


Tags:  Crop Pest Schools