Pasture weed and brush management webinar scheduled Feb. 23

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Maintaining proper weed and brush control can have a huge impact on summer pastures now, and in the future.

Walt Fick, K-State Range Management Specialist, and Doug Shoup, K-State Southeast Area Crops and Soils Specialist, will present a webinar titled “Pasture Weed and Brush Management” at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 23. The webinar will be hosted by Great Plains Grazing, a U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agriculture and Food Research Initiative-Coordinated Agricultural Project grant. Fick and Shoup are Great Plains Grazing team members.

This is a free webinar, and is open to anyone interested in gaining an understanding of weed and brush control. Participants can expect to learn the following methods of weed and brush control:

  • Chemical
  • Mechanical
  • Burning
  • Grazing
  • Biological

This is the seventh of a series of 12 webinars hosted monthly by Great Plains Grazing. The series aims to provide research-based information, and is targeted for producers and extension agents. Previous webinars are archived and available for viewing on the Great Plains Grazing website.

To register for the pasture weed and brush management seminar on Feb. 23, visit Upcoming Webinars.

