On-farm research, dryland corn plot tour scheduled in Saline County July 27

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K-State Research and Extension will be hosting a tour of farms in Saline County to view on-farm research plots and dryland corn plots.

The four producers on the tour have all participated in K-State’s new on-farm testing program conducted by Ignacio Ciampitti, crop production and cropping systems specialist; Stu Duncan, northeast area Extension agronomist; and county Extension personnel such as Tom Maxwell, Central District crop production agent, and others.

On this tour, we will be demonstrating how we work with producers to help them design an on-farm test of plant populations, hybrids or varieties, nutrient rates, or other variables. And we’ll talk about how we analyze the results after harvest for the producers.

Local Extension agents are an integral part of the on-farm testing program. The agents work closely with both the producers, area agronomists, and state specialists.

The local agents help ensure each of the on-farm tests is matched to what the individual producers wants. The goal is to get practical information on farming practices that producers use, and to make sure the results are in a user-friendly format and available to anyone who is interested.

The tour on July 27 will visit the farms and research plots set up in Saline County this year. The producers involved will be available to explain the program and talk about how it has been working for them.

Focus of the tour stops will be to highlight the on-farm research plots at each farm evaluating corn seeding rates and twin row vs. 30-inch row corn. A discussion at each stop will include dryland corn production and management practices, including seeding rates, and insect control.

Tour times and places:

8 a.m. at the Paul and Robert Karber Farm located 4 miles south of Gypsum on Gypsum Valley Rd., 1 mile west on Hobbs Creek Rd., then 1/4 mile south on Kipp Rd. An on-farm research plot featuring corn seeding rates of 18, 22 and 26,000 seeds per acre will be discussed.

 9 a.m. at the Dwight Conley farm located ½ mile south of Gypsum on Gypsum Valley Rd. An on-farm research plot comparing twin row corn vs. 30-inch row corn at five different seeding rates will be discussed.

10 a.m. at the Justin Knopf farm located 1 mile north of Gypsum at the corner of Gypsum Valley Rd. and McReynolds Rd. An on-farm research plot featuring four corn seeding rates will be discussed.


11 a.m. at the Mark Pettijohn farm located approximately 2 miles south of Solomon on the blacktop and 1/2  mile east of the Barn Rd./ 2000 Avenue intersection in Dickinson County. An on-farm research plot featuring five corn seeding rates of 14, 18, 22, 26, and 30,000 seeds per acre will be discussed.


  • Ignacio Ciampitti, Crop Production and Cropping Systems Specialist
  • Stu Duncan, Northeast Area Extension Crops and Soils Specialist
  • Jeff Whitworth, Extension Entomologist
  • Tom Maxwell, Central Kansas District Extension Crop Production Agent


All interested persons are invited to attend any or all of the tour stops, no RSVP is needed.


Ignacio Ciampitti, Crop Production and Cropping Systems Specialist

Tom Maxwell, Central Kansas District Agent
