New herbicides and label changes for corn and sorghum in 2018

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Although you may hear of new herbicides, more than likely it will be a combination of active ingredients that have been labels previously.  There are some significant changes that are occurring in some cases because certain herbicides have come off patent.

Harness MAX (Monsanto)

Use: All field corn types or yellow popcorn.

Active ingredients (lb/gallon, mode of action number): Acetochlor (3.52 lb, 15) + mesotrione (0.33 lb, 27)

Use rate: 55 to 88 fl/a, 55 to 64 fl oz on coarse soils, 64 to 75 fl oz on medium soils or fine soils with less than 3% organic matter or 75 to 88 fl oz on fine soils with organic matter 3% or greater.  When applying postemergence, treat weeds when they are 3 inches or less.  If possible, apply with atrazine when using PRE or postemergence.

Timing: Apply from 29 days before planting or postemergence from emergence up to 11-inch corn.

Target weed species: Acetochlor (Harness) provides very good control of annual grasses and small seeded broadleaf weeds including the pigweeds.  The addition of mesotrione and atrazine to Harness greatly improves control of kochia, velvetleaf, and several other broadleaf species and will improve control of Palmer amaranth and waterhemp.

Adjuvants: no restrictions when applied preemergence.  Do not use MSO when applying postemergence. Do not apply with COC or nitrogen-based adjuvants when applying postemergence to yellow popcorn.  Do not use COC, MSO, or nitrogen-based adjuvants when tankmixing with Liberty herbicide.

Comments: A maximum of 95 fl oz of Harmess Max is allowed during a growing season.

Anthem Maxx (FMC)

Use: All corn types

Active ingredients (lb/gallon, mode of action number): Pyroxasulfone (4.174 lb, 15) and fluthiacet (0.126 lb, 14)

Use rate: 2.5 to 6.5 fl oz applied PRE or 2 to 6 fl oz applied POST. When applying PRE, use 2.5 to 4 fl oz on coarse soils, 2.5 to 5.5 fl oz on medium soils, and 4 to 6.5 fl oz on fine soils. When applying POST, use 2 to 3 fl oz on coarse soils or up to 3.5 fl oz if coarse soil contains 1% or greater organic matter, 2.5 to 4.5 fl oz on medium soils, and 3.5 to 6.0 fl oz on fine soils.

Timing: May be applied in the fall for residual weed control or apply from 45 days before planting, or postemergence from emergence up to 4 collars visible on the corn plant.

Target weed speciesProvides very good control of annual grasses and small-seeded broadleaf weeds including pigweeds and kochia.  Weed spectrum can be broadened with various tankmix partners.

Adjuvants: When applying postemergence to weeds, add COC, MSO at 1 to 2 pts/a or NIS at 0.25% v/v.  Tank mix partner may limit which adjuvants may be used.

Comments: Anthem Maxx had double the amount of Pyroxasulfone compared to the Anthem formulation, however, the rate of fluthiacet (Cadet) in Anthem Maxx is 1/10th of what is in Anthem.

Anthem Flex (FMC)

Use: All corn types

Active ingredients (lb/gallon, mode of action number): Pyroxasulfone (3.733 lb, 15) and carfentrazone (0.267 lb, 14)

Use rate: 2.75 to 7.28 fl oz. When applying more than 15 days before planting, use 3.5 to 4.5 fl oz on coarse soils, 4.5 to 5.5 fl oz on medium soils, and 5.5 to 7.28 fl oz on fine soils. When applying less than 15 days before planting, use 2.75 to 5 fl oz on coarse soils, 3.0 to 6.0 on medium soils, and 3.5 to 7.28 fl oz on fine soils.

Timing: Preemergence to corn only. May be applied from 45 days before planting but prior to corn emergence.

Target weed speciesProvides very good control of annual grasses and small-seeded broadleaf weeds including pigweeds and kochia.  Weed spectrum can be broadened with various tankmix partners.

Adjuvants: When applying postemergence to weeds, add COC, MSO at 1 to 2 pts/a or NIS at 0.25% v/v.  Anthem Flex can be applied with liquid nitrogen.  Using a compatibility jar test is recommended.

Comments: Anthem Flex contains carfentrazone (Aim) which makes it different than other “Anthem” formulations.

Enlist Duo (Dow AgroSciences)

  Use: Enlist corn

Active ingredients (lbs /gallon): Colex-D technology: 1.7 lbs dimethylamine salt of glyphosate acid and 1.6 lbs 2,4-D acid as a choline salt.

Target weeds: Glyphosate component will control many weed species that are susceptible to glyphosate, and the 2,4-D component will help manage several glyphosate-resistant broadleaf weeds, including pigweeds, marestail, morning glory, velvetleaf, and others. This product will be very weak on glyphosate-resistant kochia, but will contribute to Palmer amaranth management.

Use rate and timing: Use 3.5 to 4.75 pts/acre to corn no larger than V8 or 30 inches tall. Make 1 to 2 postemergence applications with a minimum of 12 days between applications. Enlist Duo may be used preemergence or postemergence. However, the total application cannot exceed 14.25 pts of Enlist Duo/acre per season.

Adjuvants/tankmix partners: No adjuvants currently listed in the label or online label. The following online site shows approved tankmix partners and approved nozzles.

Comments: Foreign export has been approved, thus Enlist corn hybrids will be available to growers for the 2018 season. Enlist Duo cannot be aerially applied. This product will reduce potential off-target movement of 2,4-D when used according to the label. NOTE: The gene in Enlist corn confers resistance to the “Fop” grass herbicides – fluazifop (Fusilade) or quizalofop (Assure II). Grass herbicides that will control volunteer Enlist corn include clethodim (Select Max and generics) and sethoxydim (Poast and generics).  See label for use on Roundup ready corn.

Enlist One (Dow AgroSciences)

  Use: Enlist corn

Active ingredients (lbs /gallon, herbicide mode of action number): Colex-D technology: 3.8 lbs 2,4-D acid as a choline salt, 4. 

Target weeds: 2,4-D will help manage several glyphosate-resistant broadleaf weeds, including pigweeds, marestail, morning glory, velvetleaf, and others. This product will be very weak on glyphosate-resistant kochia.

Use rate and timing: Use 1.5 to 2 pts/acre preemergence or postemergence to corn no larger than V8 or 30 inches tall. With drop nozzles Enlist one can be applied up to 48-inch corn. Make 1 to 2 postemergence applications with a minimum of 12 days between applications. The total application cannot exceed 14.25 pts of Enlist Duo per acre per season.

Adjuvants/tankmix partners: No adjuvants currently listed in the label or online label. The following online site shows approved tankmix partners and approved nozzles.

Comments: Foreign export has been approved, thus Enlist corn hybrids will be available to growers for the 2018 season. Enlist Duo cannot be aerially applied. This product will reduce potential off-target movement of 2,4-D when used according to the label. NOTE: The gene in Enlist corn confers resistance to the “Fop” grass herbicides – fluazifop (Fusilade) or quizalofop (Assure II). Grass herbicides that will control volunteer Enlist corn include clethodim (Select Max and generics) and sethoxydim (Poast and generics).  See label for use on conventional corn.

Xtendimax (Monsanto) or FeXipan (Dupont)

Use: corn and sorghum

Active ingredients (lbs /gallon, herbicide mode of action number): 2.9 lb ae diglycolamine salt of dicamba with vapor grip technology, 4

Target weeds: dicamba should be included in a tank mix with other herbicides to help control emerged broadleaf weeds especially kochia and marestail.

Use rate and timing: Use 11 to 22 fl oz applied PRE to corn planted at least 1.5 inches deep or postemergence to corn from emergence to 5 leaf or 8 inches tall.  On corn planted in coarse soils or to corn postemergence from 8 to 30 inches tall, use 11 fl oz only.  Use 11 fl oz at least 10 days before planting sorghum or postemergence to sorghum from 2 to 5 leaf stage but before sorghum is 8 inches tall.

Comments: There dicamba formulations will cause crop injury similar to other formulations of dicamba.  They do not contain a safener to corn like Status or DiFlexx.

Engenia (BASF)

Use: corn and sorghum

Active ingredients (lbs /gallon, herbicide mode of action number): 5 lb ae BAPMA salt of dicamba, 4

Target weeds: dicamba should be included in a tank mix with other herbicides to help control emerged broadleaf weeds especially kochia and marestail.

Use rate and timing: Use 6.4 to 12.8 fl oz applied PRE to corn planted at least 1.5 inches deep or postemergence to corn from emergence to 5 leaf or 8 inches tall.  On corn planted in coarse soils or to corn postemergence from 8 inches tall to 30 inches tall, use 6.4 fl oz only.  Use 6.4 fl oz at least 10 days before planting sorghum or postemergence to sorghum from 2 to 5 leaf stage but before sorghum is 8 inches tall.

Comments: Engenia will cause crop injury similar to other formulations of dicamba.  It does not contain a safener to corn like Status or DiFlexx.

Label changes - numbers in ( ) refer to the herbicide mode of action:

Liberty (10) can now be applied in corn from 22 to 43 fl oz/acre on corn from emergence through the V6 stage.  Use in conjunction with a preemergence herbicide program.

Halex GT (9, 15, 27) can now be used preemergence to grain sorghum.  Use rates are from 4 to 6 pints.  Remember, Halex GT contains glyphosate and must be applied before sorghum emerges.





Curtis Thompson, Weed Management Specialist and Extension Agronomy State Leader
