Mini-video: Soils and the Products We Use, 2015 International Year of Soils

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In a new short video produced by K-State Research and Extension, Mickey Ransom, Professor of Agronomy shows how soils not only help us grow our foods, but also helps create many of the products we use. Gasoline, diesel and other petroleum products come from decomposed plants millions of years ago. Trees, computer chips and many other products come from different types of soil, from sands to clay. Clay is another product we use every day for pottery and building materials, as shown by Amy Santoferraro, Assistant Professor of Art.

Title of video: Soils and the Products We Use, 2015 International Year of Soils

Length: 2:31 minutes

Source: Dan Donnert, K-State Research and Extension, Photographer/Videographer


The mini-video can be seen at:


Steve Watson, Agronomy eUpdate Editor
