Make sure all interested parties are getting our eUpdate!

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We would like to remind our readers about all the great delivery options for receiving the Agronomy eUpdate, and to encourage all recipients to share this valuable publication with as many interested people as possible. 

If you are on our email list, you receive the weekly eUpdate in its entirety along with any special editions that we send out in between regular issues. If you follow @KStateAgron on Twitter, you will receive a tweet with a link to the weekly eUpdate plus additional tweets during the week about individual eUpdate articles and special editions.  Some of you may receive the eUpdate by both email and Twitter.

Every now and then we hear from a producer, consultant, or extension agent who just starting getting the Agronomy eUpdate by email or via Twitter and wished they had known about it sooner. You can help!  We encourage all eUpdate recipients to promote the eUpdate to interested parties and to forward or retweet it to your email lists and followers. 

We believe, and we’ve heard from many others who agree, this weekly electronic newsletter is the best of its kind in the world! And it’s free. We’d like everyone to take advantage of our fantastic product, and give us your feedback if you’d like.

To get on our email list to automatically receive the eUpdate as soon as it is released, contact either:

Steve Watson, Agronomy eUpdate Editor

Troy Lynn Eckart

And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter at:

Thanks to all our readers!


Gary Pierzynski, Department Head and University Distinguished Professor
