KDA now accepting approved on-line dicamba applicator training

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The Kansas Department of Agriculture has announced that they will be accepting the label required dicamba specific training online in the state of Kansas starting April 1 for the dicamba products approved for use on Xtend crops. KDA has stipulated that the online training must have accountability built in to ensure that an individual must participate in the training module.  On-line training is offered by some of the surrounding states, as well as from Monsanto, BASF, and DowDuPont. 

Below are links to the company websites for additional information about application requirements and dicamba training:

Monsanto:   http://www.roundupreadyxtend.com/

BASF:  https://www.engeniastewardship.com/#/training

DowDuPont (Corteva):  http://www.dupont.com/products-and-services/crop-protection/soybean-protection/articles/fexapan-application.html




Dallas Peterson, Weed Management Specialist
