Kansas wheat management survey - Producer input needed

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The Wheat Production Group at Kansas State University has joined forces with the Kansas Wheat Commission to learn from wheat producers around Kansas. We are conducting a wheat management survey across several fields around the state so we can analyze and evaluate the collected data later in order to develop best management practices for different regions around the state. 

On-farm research surveys are different than a typical controlled research experiment as they collect management strategies which a producer has adopted on their individual fields. The main objective of this project is to collect field-level information about wheat management for hundreds of wheat fields around Kansas so we can learn about the most successful management practices adopted for each region. We are currently collecting data from the past two growing seasons (2015-16 and 2016-17), and from 2017-18 in the near future.

This project is funded through the Kansas Wheat Commission and the survey can be completed on-line, in person, or over the phone – whichever is the most convenient for you, the wheat producer. Your identity will be confidential and no personally identifiable information will be associated with your responses. Data will only be presented as aggregated and never on a field by field basis.

If you could spend a few minutes to help us learn more about successfully management practices in your own operation, we would be extremely grateful. You will be helping Kansas State University and the Kansas Wheat Commission improve our current management recommendations with your own experiences.

To complete the online survey, please visit: http://kswheat.com/on-farm-research-survey

If you prefer in person or a phone survey, please contact Brent Jaenisch at 785-370-1273 or at bjaenisch@ksu.edu.

By participating in this survey, you will be automatically entitled to a detailed report in the end of the project so you learn about our findings before anyone else.

If you have any questions or concerns don’t hesitate to contact us.




Brent Jaenisch, Graduate Student

Romulo Lollato, Wheat and Forages Specialist
