Kansas Wheat Day, Agricultural Research Center-Hays, May 26

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The KSU Ag Research Center will be hosting the Kansas Wheat Day on May 26, 2016.

Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. Coffee, drinks, and donuts will be available, sponsored by the Kansas Wheat Alliance. Opening remarks from Bob Gillen, Western Kansas Agricultural Research Center (WKARC) department head, will be at 9 a.m.

The schedule for the remainder of the morning is:

 9:15  Wheat Variety Tour --- Guorong Zhang, WKARC Wheat Breeder

10:15  Weed Management in Wheat-based Cropping Systems---Phillip Stahlman, WKARC Weed Scientist

10:40  Tillage Effects and Nitrogen Application --- Augustine Obour, WKARC Soil Scientist

11:00  Utilizing UAS Imaging Capacity in Wheat Breeding Programs --- Robert Aiken, WKARC Plant Physiologist

11:30  Emerging Issue with Wheat Stem Sawfly --- JP Michaud, KSU Entomologist

12:00  Lunch --- Sponsored by Kansas Wheat Commission

1:00  Adjourn 
