Kansas River Valley Experiment Field Fall Field Day, August 9

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All interested individuals are invited to attend the 2022 Kansas River Valley Experiment Field Day on Tuesday, August 9, at 5:00 p.m. The event will be held at the Rossville Experiment Field (1 mile east of Rossville on Hwy 24, south side of the road).

This is a free event and pre-registration is requested for the catered BBQ meal. To pre-register for this event and for the catered BBQ meal sponsored by Wilbur-Ellis, call Kaci Beck at the Shawnee County Extension Office at 785-232-0062, ext. 100, by 5:00 p.m., Monday, August 8. Commercial pesticide applicator credits have been approved.

Topics and speakers:

Getting the most out of your N and P fertilizer dollars – Brian Rutter, Soil Fertility PhD student with Dr. Dorivar Ruiz Diaz

Strategies to manage pigweeds with cover crops– Lily Woitaszewski, Weed Management graduate student with Dr. Sarah Lancaster

Sniffing out shifting weather patterns – Chip Redmond, Kansas Mesonet


Tags:  Fall Field Day