Kansas Forage and Grassland Council and K-State to Host Winter Forage Conference, Dec. 8

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The Kansas Forage and Grassland Council and Kansas State University will host their annual Winter Forage Conference from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Thursday, December 8 at the Harvey County 4-H Building, Newton, Kansas.

Agricultural specialists will speak on a variety of topics such as alfalfa production, crabgrass production potential, ration supplementation with high grain prices, combating woody encroachment on native range, and a farmer panel discussing their progressive approaches and alternative forage sources that are helping them to extend the grazing season.

Featured speakers include:

  • Justin Waggoner, KSU Southwest Extension Specialist
  • Romulo Lollato, KSU State Forage Specialist
  • Bruno Pedreira, KSU Southeast Extension Agronomist and Forage Specialist
  • Doug Spencer, NRCS State Grazing Specialist.

The event is free for current KSFGC members and $45 for non-members (which includes a membership to KSFGC and lunch).

To learn more, go to https://ksfgc.org/upcoming-events/. To join KSFGC, go to https://ksfgc.org/join-us/.

Please RSVP to Ryan Flaming, Agriculture Extension Agent, (316) 284-6930 or flaming@ksu.edu.

The first 30 audience members through the door will get a free KSFGC cap.


The Kansas Forage and Grassland Council was organized in 1988 to strengthen the forage base for the livestock industry through more efficient production and utilization. KSFGC serves to provide education and programs to strengthen the forage industry in Kansas.

Tags:  Winter Forage Conference