K-State wheat plot tours for June 7 - 9

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The week of June 7 to 9 offers another exciting lineup of wheat plot tours! Producers willing to learn about the different varieties can choose to attend one (or several) plot tours in their county or agricultural district.

The plot tours generally include a discussion of wheat conditions across the state, as well as tips on what to look for when selecting wheat varieties for one operation. New and upcoming varieties are discussed, as well as older and more established ones and a discussion of how all these varieties are responding to this growing season’s conditions.

For the week of June 7 to 9, the schedule plot tour locations include:

Tuesday, 6/07/2016, 9:00 a.m.             
Location: Nemaha/Brown Co., Sabetha

Contact: David Hallauer, 785-863-2212, dhallaue@ksu.edu
Cooperator: Doug and Leonard Edelman
Directions: Southwest of T and 192 intersection, 4 miles west of Sabetha

Tuesday, 6/07/2016, 4:00 p.m. (MDT)
Location: Sherman Co., Kanorado

Contact: Jeanne Falk Jones, 785-462-6281, jfalkjones@ksu.edu
Cooperator: Truman Hooker, 4-H wheat plot tour
Directions: Go into Kanorado and after the railroad tracks turn west. Go to Locust Street and turn north. Continue north until the road ends. 

Tuesday, 6/07/2016, 5:30 p.m. (MDT)
Location: Sherman Co., Goodland

Contact: Jeanne Falk Jones, 785-462-6281, jfalkjones@ksu.edu
Cooperator: F&J Farms
Directions: From Goodland, go 10 miles north on Hwy 27. Plot is east of the scalehouse. 

Tuesday, 6/07/2016, 6:00 p.m.
Location: Scott Co., Scott City

Contact: John Beckman, 620-214-2151, jbeckman@ksu.edu.
Cooperator: Jon and Jeff Buehler
Directions: 4 miles east on Hwy 96 from the intersection of Hwy 96 and 83. Turn north on Pawnee Road and drive for ¼ mile. Plot is located on the east side of Pawnee Road.

Tuesday, 6/07/2016, 7:30 a.m.
Location: Thomas Co., Levant

Contact: Kurt Sexton, 785-460-4582, kclarson@ksu.edu.
Cooperator: Solomon Creek Farms
Directions: 10 miles south of Levant 1-70 interchange.

Tuesday, 6/07/2016, 1:00 p.m.
Location: Marshall Co., Centralia

Contact: Anastasia Johnson, 785-562-3531, anastasia@ksu.edu.
Cooperator: The Matson Family
Directions: 2 miles north of Centralia, at the corner of Hwy 187 and 96th Road

Wednesday, 6/08/2016, 7:30 a.m. (MDT)
Location: Wallace Co., Sharon Springs

Contact: Jeanne Falk Jones, 785-462-6281, jfalkjones@ksu.edu
Cooperator: Mai Farms
Directions: From Sharon Springs, go 9 miles south on Hwy 27 to Field Rd. Go east 4 miles and south ½ mile

Wednesday, 6/08/2016, 7:30 a.m. (MDT)
Location: Wallace Co., Weskan

Contact: Jeanne Falk Jones, 785-462-6281, jfalkjones@ksu.edu
Cooperator: E&H Farms
Directions: From Weskan, go 3 miles west on Hwy 40 to Rd 3. Go 5 miles south.

Wednesday, 6/08/2016, 7:30 a.m.
Location: Clay Co., Wakefield

Contact: Kim Larson, 785-243-8185, kclarson@ksu.edu.
Cooperator: Zoe Auld 4-H plot
Directions: 3rd and Utah Road, south of Wakefield. 1 mile west, 4 miles south, then 2 miles east from Wakefield.

Wednesday, 6/08/2016, 9:30 a.m.
Location: Clay Co., Clay Center

Contact: Kim Larson, 785-243-8185, kclarson@ksu.edu.
Cooperator: Hayden Heigele 4-H plot
Directions: 12th and Kiowa Rd., south of Clay Center. 5 miles south and 2 ¾ miles west of Clay Center.

Wednesday, 6/08/2016, 12:00 p.m.
Location: Republic Co., Cuba

Contact: Kim Larson, 785-243-8185, kclarson@ksu.edu.
Cooperator: Republic County High School FFA plot
Directions: 1.25 miles west of Cuba on P Road

Wednesday, 6/08/2016, 6:00 p.m.
Location: Republic Co., Belleville

Contact: Kim Larson, 785-243-8185, kclarson@ksu.edu.
Cooperator: Polansky Seed
Directions: Seed facility east of Belleville on Hwy 36.

Thursday, 6/09/2016, 8:00 a.m.
Location: Logan Co., Winona

Contact: Candice Fitch-Deitz, 785-938-4480, cfitchdeitz@ksu.edu.
Cooperator: Ward Taylor Farm
Directions: From Winona, head west on Old Hwy 40 for ½ mile to Road 220, then turn south for 3 miles to Vista.

Thursday, 6/09/2016, 5:30 p.m. (MDT)
Location: Cheyenne Co., Wheeler

Contact: Jeanne Falk Jones, 785-462-6281, jfalkjones@ksu.edu
Cooperator: Sunny Crest Farms
Directions: From Wheeler go south 4 miles on Hwy 27 to Road J. Plot is ¼ mile west.

Thursday, 6/09/2016, 5:30 p.m.
Location: Rawlins Co., Atwood

Contact: JoEllyn Argabright, 785-626-3192, joargabright@ksu.edu.
Cooperator 1: Wolters Farms
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 36 and Hwy 25 in Atwood, go north on Hwy 25 4 miles. Plot is on west side of the road at Surefire Ag Systems.
Cooperator 2: Kastens Farms.
Directions: From Hwy 25, go north to where the highway curves. Go east on County Road Y to CR 31.5. Turn left and go one mile north. Head ¼ mile west to the tank batteries.


Romulo Lollato, Extension Wheat Specialist

Erick DeWolf, Extension Wheat Pathologist
