K-State survey of cotton grower perspectives

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In 2020, southern Kansas farmers planted 195,000 acres of cotton, which produced 300,000 480-lb bales of cotton lint and 99,000 tons of cottonseed, with a combined economic value of $97,164,000! Cotton has established a place in Kansas, and K-State Research & Extension wants to hear from our cotton growers to better understand the current status of cotton production and emerging challenges in cotton production in Kansas.

A close-up of cotton plantsDescription automatically generated

This Qualtrics survey of Kansas Cotton Grower Perspectives was developed under the leadership of Dr. Logan Simon, Southwest Area Agronomist, in collaboration with the K-State Extension Cotton Working Group. The survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete and includes questions regarding 1) rotations and tillage, 2) variety selection, 3) planting methods, 4) irrigation strategies, 5) soil fertility, 6) plant growth regulators, 7) weed management, 8) insect management, 9) disease management, and 10) harvest and harvest aids.

The value of survey participation

Responses will help guide cotton research & extension programming at Kansas State University to meet the priorities and concerns of cotton producers. Survey results will potentially be used as justification when seeking funding for research and extension programming for cotton in Kansas. Responses may be shared within the K-State Extension Cotton Working Group and used for quantitative and qualitative analysis to develop extension bulletins, presentations, and scientific journal articles.

Respondents will have the option to provide their contact information (email address and phone number) for potential follow-up phone conversations and field visits. However, identities will be kept confidential outside the K-State Extension Cotton Working Group. Participant information, even if identities are removed, will not be used or distributed for future research studies.

The survey can be accessed by scanning the QR code below or at https://kstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3drJeSXR94YPPpA

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For questions about the survey, please contact Logan Simon at (620)276-8286 or lsimon@ksu.edu.

Logan Simon, Southwest Area Agronomist, Southwest Research-Extension Center

Tags:  survey cotton