K-State Southwest Research and Extension Spring Field Day - May 28

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K-State’s Southwest Research-Extension Center invites producers, allied industry representatives, and anyone interested in agriculture to attend this year’s Spring Field Day, which will be held on May 28, 2024, at 4500 E. Mary Street in Garden City.

Registration will begin at 4:30 p.m.; the program and tour of wheat, canola, and annual forage variety plots will start at 5:00 p.m., followed by a meal sponsored by industry partners. See the full schedule below.

Logan Simon, K-State southwest area agronomist; Mike Stamm, K-State agronomist and canola breeder; and John Holman, K-State cropping systems agronomist, will discuss the annual forages, canola, and wheat variety plots at the location and how they have performed under this year’s challenging growing conditions.

“This field day is an opportunity to share our story—what we are researching and why and what that means for growers in western Kansas and beyond,” said K-State Southwest Area Agronomist Logan Simon. “There's strong interest among growers in pinpointing drought-tolerant varieties and forages that suit our region's cropping systems, and we're committed to addressing those demands, delivering evidence-based performance results to farmers so they can make the best decision for their operation.”

Field days allow growers to talk with researchers and Extension specialists about what they’ve observed in the field and take home actionable insights for their operations.

Schedule for the 2024 SWREC Spring Field Day

4:30 PM                Registration and Check-in

5:00 PM                Dryland wheat varieties

5:30 PM                Irrigated canola varieties

6:00 PM                Irrigated forage varieties

Thanks to sponsorship by our industry partners, a meal will be provided at the SWREC headquarters following the tour.

To RSVP for the 2024 spring field day and catered meal, please call the SWREC office at 620-276-8286 or email lsimon@k-state.edu.


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