K-State Sorghum Schools scheduled for early February 2019

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A series of three K-State Sorghum Production Schools will be offered in early February to provide in-depth training targeted for sorghum producers and key-stakeholders. The schools are sponsored by Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission.



The schools will cover a number of issues facing sorghum growers: risk management, marketing opportunities, weed control, crop production practices, nutrient and soil fertility, and insect management.

The final dates and locations have been set focusing with Schools across the state. More details on speakers, topics, and specific locations will be in an upcoming eUpdate. Stay tuned!

Garden City, KS

February 5, Tuesday, 8:30 am to 1:00 pm
Jennifer Stoss -  jstoss@ksu.edu

Hays, KS

February 6, Wednesday, 8:30 am to 1:30 pm
Stacy Campbell -  scampbel@ksu.edu

Salina, KS

February 7, Thursday, 8:30 am to 1:00 pm
Carl Garten - cgarten@ksu.edu


Lunch will be provided, courtesy of the Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission. There is no cost to attend, but participants are asked to pre-register by January 29. Online registration is available at K-State Sorghum Schools (http://bit.ly/KSUSorghum) or by emailing/calling the nearest local K-State Research and Extension office nearest the location participants plan to attend.



Ignacio Ciampitti, Crop Production and Cropping Systems Specialist

Pat Damman, Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission

Kathy Gehl, Extension Program Coordinator


