A series of three K-State Sorghum Production Schools will be offered in early February 2018 to provide in-depth training targeted for sorghum producers and key stakeholders. The schools will be held at three locations around the state.
The one-day schools will cover a number of issues facing sorghum growers: weed control strategies; production practices; nutrient fertility; and insect and disease management.
The dates and locations of the K-State Sorghum Production Schools are:
Lunch will be provided courtesy of Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission. There is no cost to attend, but participants are asked to pre-register by January 31.
Online registration is available at: http://bit.ly/KSSORGHUMSchools
You can also pre-register by emailing or calling the nearest local K-State Research and Extension office for the location you plan to attend.
More information on the final program for each Sorghum School will be provided in upcoming issues of the Agronomy eUpdate.
Ignacio Ciampitti, Cropping Systems Specialist
Pat Damman, Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission