K-State's Soil Testing Lab and Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab are OPEN!

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During this time of reduced operations at K-State due to COVID-19, there have been questions on the operational status of the Soil Testing and Plant Disease Diagnostic Labs on the Manhattan campus. Both of these labs are open and accepting samples, however submission of samples has been modified to accommodate new distancing guidelines. Please read below for specific instructions on how to submit samples (each lab has their own instructions).

KSU Soil Testing Lab

The Soil Testing Lab is fully staffed and operational. Given that we are able to operate with a full staff, the turnaround time for sample analysis is not expected to change. However, sample submission procedures have been modified and are outlined below.

  • No in-person sample delivery to lab. However, samples can be left in the Soil Drop Box located on the NW side of Throckmorton (1712 Claflin Rd.) There is map on the door of the building or on the Lab website at https://www.agronomy.k-state.edu/services/soiltesting/ (Figure 1). Samples will be picked up at least twice a day.
  • Samples can be mailed via USPS or UPS. To create a UPS shipping label, please visit our website and input your mailing address: https://ksusoiltesting.com/ups_form.php. If using the U.S. Postal Service, the mailing address for the lab is:

KSU Soil Testing Lab
2308 Throckmorton Plant Science Center
1712 Claflin Road
Manhattan, KS 66506-5503

  • Samples can be submitted to your local county Extension office. County offices will forward samples to the lab (postage and handling may be charged). Contact your local office for samples bags, instructions, and if you have questions.


Figure 1. Location of the Soil Sample Drop Box located on the NW side of Throckmorton Plant Sciences Center in Manhattan.

Homeowners and producers are encouraged to contact the lab with any questions. The Soil Testing Lab is working hard to best accommodate the soil testing needs for everyone during this critical time of the year. Please reach out by phone at 785-532-7897 or by email at soiltesting@ksu.edu.

Dorivar Ruiz Diaz, Extension Agronomy State Leader and Soil Testing Lab Director

KSU Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab Update

The KSU Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab continues to remain open at this time. However, we are working under limited operations and staff, so turn around may take a little longer than usual.  There have been a few changes to our submission procedures. Please read the information below:

  • No in-person sample delivery to lab. Instead, if you are in Manhattan please use the soil drop box located on the Northwest side of Throckmorton PSC (Figure 1).
  • USPS sample delivery to 4032 Throckmorton PSC 1712 Claflin Rd Manhattan, KS 66506 is still available, but will be checked at a minimum of twice a week. Time sensitive samples such as Wheat should NOT use USPS and instead use the new temporary address below. 
  • The best mailing option for samples to the plant disease diagnostic lab is BELOW.

Please email us the tracking # so we know that a sample is coming to the lab.


KSU Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab
1310A Westloop Pl #351

Manhattan, KS 66502


The growing season is about to kick off and we want to support Kansas growers and county extension offices. If you have questions, please contact us at clinic@ksu.edu

Judy O’Mara
Extension Plant Pathology, State Leader
K-State Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab, Director

Chandler Day (wheat diagnostics)
GPDN/KSU Regional Plant Disease Diagnostician

Tags:  Soil Testing Lab Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab