K-State East Central Experiment Field Fall Field Day, August 18

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All interested individuals are invited to attend the 2021 East Central Experiment Field Day on Wednesday, August 18, at 9:00 a.m. The event will be held at the Ottawa Experiment Field (From I-35 at Ottawa proceed south 1.7 miles on 59 Hwy, go east 1 mile, and south 0.75 mile).

This is a free event and no pre-registration is required. Registration will begin at 9 am with coffee and doughnuts provided. The program will start at 9:30 am. There will be a lunch at noon after the conclusion of the program. Commercial pesticide applicator credits have been approved.

Topics and speakers:

Integrated weed management in current herbicide-resistant soybean systems – Dr. Sarah Lancaster, Tyler Meyeres, and Chad Lammers

Soil health measurements in a 12-year crop residue removal study – Dr. DeAnn Presley

Managing your corn to increase input efficiency and yields – Dr. Ignacio Ciampitti

Managing soybeans to increase yield and quality – Dr. Andres Froes De Borja Reis

Operation weed eradication – Katie Stratham


Please contact the East-Central Research Station at 785-242-5616 at least two days prior to this event if accommodations are needed for persons with disabilities or special requirements.


Tags:  Fall Field Day