K-State Agronomy is sad to announce the passing of Dr. Stan Ehler

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It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Dr. Stan Ehler on February 28, 2019. Visitation and funeral services will take place in Manhattan on March 10 and 11. His full obituary and details for the services can be viewed at http://www.ymlfuneralhome.com/obituary/6241. The following is a short tribute to Dr. Ehler that was published upon his retirement from the Department of Agronomy in 2004.


Stan Ehler, associate professor of agronomy, retired from the Department of Agronomy in 2004. Dr. Ehler significantly impacted the lives of undergraduate students in agronomy and many other disciplines for 32 years. Originally from Champaign, Illinois, Ehler completed his B.S. (Soils) and M.S. (Weed Science) in 1962 and 1964 at Southern Illinois University. He received his Ph.D. (Turf Physiology) from the University of Missouri in 1975. Ehler began his teaching duties for K-State’s Department of Agronomy in August 1972, and was promoted to associate professor in 1978.

His dedication to undergraduate teaching was a constant as he advised and counseled hundreds of students. When departmental faculty are on the road at Extension meetings and Field Days, they are regularly asked by agronomy alums, “How’s Doc Ehler?” Ehler’s advisees readily recall their advisor and share how he helped them, not only with academic matters, but with life issues as well. For many years, Ehler was a primary advisor for the Wheat State Agronomy Club. He also served as advisor to the Ag Student Council and the Crop Protection Club. His sense of humor and adventure are vividly remembered by many former undergraduates who had the pleasure of traveling with him to regional and national meetings.

At K-State Ehler developed several new undergraduate courses, including Crop Science, Weed Management, and Seed Technology. He also taught several other courses, including Grain Production, Grain Grading, Short Course in Agronomy, and Agronomy the Profession. Agronomy faculty can recall many of Ehler’s salient points as he began his inputs with, “Well, Bud, let me tell you ...”. His interest and understanding of production agronomy were particularly valued by many of his students. During his career, Ehler was recognized by his students and colleagues for his teaching and advising efforts.
