K-State Agronomy hires new Assistant State Climatologist

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Matthew Sittel recently joined the K-State family as the new Kansas Assistant State Climatologist. He replaces Mary Knapp who retired in 2021 after 41 years of service at K-State.

Matt is a native of Kingsport, Tennessee. He earned his Bachelor of Science in meteorology with a statistics minor at North Carolina State University in 1992, and graduated with a Master’s degree in meteorology from Florida State University in 1994. He spent 3 years working at the National Climatic Data Center (now NCEI) in Asheville, NC. Most recently, he spent 22 years working at Offutt Air Force Base near Omaha, Nebraska, with the last 14 of those years as a contractor through the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR). Matt’s specialty during his time at Offutt was forecast verification and statistical modeling of forecast and observational data.

Matt’s role at K-State will involve all aspects of Kansas climate monitoring, from daily to longer-term data analysis. He will also be involved in efforts to expand observing networks statewide as well as to inspire the future generation of meteorologists through community outreach activities. Matt will be a frequent contributor to eUpdate with his assessment of current climatic conditions.

Matt is married to his husband, Tim. He has a son, Nathan, who is majoring in meteorology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Matt is excited to be here and loves being closer to Kansas City to see the Royals play at home more often. He will be attending his first K-State football game this fall, and looks forward to watching K-State’s other sports teams in action in the coming months.

Matt can be reached via e-mail at msittel@ksu.edu, via text or voice at 402-990-0197. You can also stop by his office in Throckmorton Hall, room 1707.

Matthew "Matt" Sittel, Assistant State Climatologist

Tags:  new faculty