K-State 2022 Chemical Weed Control Guide now available

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One of the most popular K-State Extension publications is here! The 2022 Chemical Weed Control Guide is now available online at:


To control weeds effectively, select control methods carefully and use them properly. Chemicals, tillage, crop competition, cropping rotation, mowing, and fire are alternative weed control methods that may be used alone or in combination. Available time, labor, equipment, and other costs as well as types of weeds and areas infested need to be considered when planning a weed control program.

To increase efficiency of crop production, use weed control practices in conjunction with other crop and soil management practices such as planting high-quality seed, planting at the optimum rate and date, and maintaining optimum soil fertility.

This publication provides suggestions for chemical weed control in several major crops. For crops not listed, consult your local K-State Research and Extension agricultural agent.

When viewing online file in a web browser or in Adobe, there is access to bookmarks that will guide you to the first page of every section (options vary per program settings and device type).

Orders for hard copies will be processed by the bookstore as timely as possible.



Sarah Lancaster, Weed Management Specialist

Tags:  weeds publication Weed Control Guide