June weather summary for Kansas - It's still hot...

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June temperature summary

While the heat wasn’t as dramatic as in May, June was the 7th warmest since 1895. The state-wide average for the month was 77.9 degrees F.  This was 4.2 degrees warmer-than-normal for Kansas.   The Central Division had the greatest departure with an average of 79.8 degrees F which was 5.5 degrees above the average. The Northwest and Southeast divisions came closest to the average at 3.9 degrees above normal.  For the Northwest Division that was with an average temperature of 74.7 degrees F, while the Southeast had an average of 78.1 degrees F.

There were 50 new record daily warm maximum temperatures.  The real warmth came in the low temperatures where there were 116 new daily record warm minimum temperatures. Two of those set records for the warmest minimum temperatures for June at those locations.  Despite the heat, there were 19 new record coldest maximums and 2 record coldest minimum temperatures.  This nighttime warmth is one reason that the monthly average was so much warmer-than-normal with relatively few record highs.  The warmest temperature reported during the month was 107 degrees F at Abilene, Dickinson County on the 28th.  The coldest temperature reported during June was 41 degrees F, reported at Plainville 4WNW, Rooks County, on the 28th.

June precipitation summary

June precipitation came very close to normal, although the distribution was uneven.  The state-wide average precipitation was 4.24 inches which was 99 percent of normal.  Given that the June was much warmer-than-normal, the benefit from that precipitation was less than it might have been.  The division with the largest surplus was the Northwest Division, with an average of 4.03, or 143 percent of normal.  The Southeast Division had the greatest departure, with an average of 3.61 inches for a deficit of 2.31 inches which is 61 percent of normal.  The greatest monthly total for a National Weather Service Cooperative station was at Scott City, Scott County, with 7.29 inches on the 20th. The Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow network station with the greatest monthly precipitation was Courtland 6.1 N, Republic County, with 6.81 inches, also on the 20th.  Among the Kansas Mesonet stations, the Viola station in Sumner County had the greatest total at 6.81 inches.

Severe weather summary

With the resurgence of moisture, severe weather reports during the month also increased. Tornado numbers were lower than in May with only 4 tornadoes reported.  Unfortunately one hit the town of Eureka.  Eight people were injured and damage was widespread.  In addition to the tornado damage, there were significant damages from hail and wind storms.  Total storm reports: 4 tornadoes, 105 hail events, and 268 reports of damaging wind.

Drought summary

With the above-normal rains in the west and near-normal amounts across the rest of Kansas, the drought picture has changed significantly. Extreme drought has shifted into central Kansas, while the “drought free” area of the state has expanded. Currently, 27 percent of the state is “drought free", while only 6 percent remains in “Extreme Drought”.  The July outlook has a slight chance for drier-than-normal conditions across the state.  The temperature outlook is for warmer-than-normal temperatures statewide.  That combination is unlikely to result in significant improvement of the drought conditions.


Current greenness map (NOAA)

Change in vegetative health from 2017 (NOAA)



Mary Knapp, Weather Data Library

Tags:  Mesonet weather climate 
