In-Depth Wheat Diagnostic School - June 2

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The Department of Agronomy and K-State Research and Extension will host an In-Depth Wheat Diagnostic School on June 2 from 8:00 am to 3:50 pm at the K-State North Central Experiment Field (2 miles west of Belleville on Hwy 36).

This event will offer six CEU CCA and two 1A PM credits by providing hands-on training on diagnosing wheat production problems in a number of different areas listed below.

  • Wheat Growth and Development (Romulo Lollato)
  • Wheat Diseases ID and Management (Kelsey Andersen Onofre)
  • Diagnosing Wheat Fertility Problems (Dorivar Ruiz Diaz and Nathan Mueller)
  • Weed Control and Application Problems (Sarah Lancaster)
  • Forage and Cover Crop Options (John Holman)
  • Wheat breeding technologies (Allan Fritz)

The cost to attend this training is $90 before May 19 and $120 after, including walk-ins. A light breakfast and lunch are included with registration.

Register online:

For program or registration questions, please contact Romulo Lollato at or 785-477-4644.

Tags:  wheat Field Day Wheat Diagnostic School