Great Plains Grazing to host 'New Insights into Flash Droughts across the United States' webinar

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Flash droughts are characterized by the rapid onset and development of drought conditions. These types of droughts can adversely affect vegetation health by quickly depleting root zone soil moisture and increasing moisture stress. Significant yield loss can occur in agricultural regions if a flash drought develops during sensitive stages in the growing season.

Great Plains Grazing team members, Jordan Christian and Dr. Jeffrey Basara, will present a free webinar, “New Insights into Flash Droughts across the United States”, at 1:30 p.m. Thursday, November 16. This webinar is open to anyone interested in learning more about flash droughts. Specifically, webinar participants can expect to learn what defines a flash drought, hot spots for flash droughts in the U.S., and characteristics of flash drought.

Interested individuals can register for the free webinar at the following website,, and clicking the “Register now” link.

Jordan Christian is a Ph.D. student working under the direction of Dr. Basara in the School of Meteorology at the University of Oklahoma. His dissertation work is focused on flash droughts, with current research investigating the characteristics and regional hot spots of flash droughts across the United States.

Dr. Basara, Associate Professor, serves as both the Director of the Kessler Atmospheric and Ecological Research Station and the Director of Research at the Oklahoma Climatological Survey. His research focuses on the integration of our understanding across weather, climate, water, and ecosystems. A large component of his research program deals with hydrometeorology – the study of the transfer of water and energy between the land surface and the atmosphere. This includes the physical processes which impact the development of the lower layer of the atmosphere; the development, validation, and improvement of weather prediction models; and severe weather, such as droughts and flash floods.



Kathy Gehl, Extension Program Coordinator - Great Plain Grazing

Amber Campbell, Project Manager - Great Plains Grazing
