Great Plains Canola Production Handbook - Updated for 2018

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Canola is a type of edible rapeseed genetically low in erucic acid and glucosinolates. The seeds are a source of healthy cooking oil and high-protein meal for livestock. A growing number of winter-hardy varieties, suitable for the Southern Great Plains, are commercially available.

Canola production in the Great Plains has changed dramatically over the years. New practices to improve the consistency with which we grow the crop are being tried, modified, and implemented continuously. To reflect the most recent changes in canola seeding practices, weed management, diseases, and more, K-State Research and Extension and partners have updated the Great Plains Canola Production Handbook. The last update was completed in 2012. Funding for the project was provided by Kansas State University and the Promote Canola Acres Program, administered by the Great Plains Canola Association.

This publication discusses aspects of canola production including:

  • Field and variety selection
  • Seeding rates
  • Stand establishment
  • No-till production
  • Growth and development
  • Fertility management
  • Weed management
  • Diseases
  • Insect pests
  • Grazing
  • Harvest
  • Grain storage
  • Cost-return projections
  • Crop insurance


This valuable and comprehensive resource is available online through the K-State Research and Extension Bookstore at


Mike Stamm, Canola Breeder


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